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Procedure Calls

Functions in this group are used to create (or copy to) a temporary array and hidden descriptor pair used in a procedure call. More...


int copyToArrayDescAndHidden_F90Vendor (void *src, int rank, F90_DescType desc_type, void *desc, void *hidden)
 Copies an array descriptor to an array and hidden descriptor pair.

int createArrayDescAndHidden_F90Vendor (void *src, int rank, F90_DescType desc_type, void **desc, void **hidden)
 Creates an array and hidden descriptor pair from an existing descriptor.

int freeArrayDescAndHidden_F90Vendor (F90_DescType desc_type, void *desc, void *hidden)
 Frees an array and hidden descriptor pair created by a call to createArrayDescAndHidden_F90Vendor().

Detailed Description

Functions in this group are used to create (or copy to) a temporary array and hidden descriptor pair used in a procedure call.

Note that descriptors created or intialized by functions in the "Create and Initialize" group cannot be used directly in a procedure call, but must first be copied by one of the functions in this group.

Function Documentation

int copyToArrayDescAndHidden_F90Vendor void *  src,
int  rank,
F90_DescType  desc_type,
void *  desc,
void *  hidden

Copies an array descriptor to an array and hidden descriptor pair.

This function may be used to modify an array pointer on the return of a Fortran call to C. The source descriptor must have been created by a call to either createArrayDesc_F90Vendor() or setArrayDesc_F90Vendor().

See also:
src the source descriptor (in parameter).
rank the rank of the source and destination arrays (in parameter).
desc_type type of the source and destination descriptors (in parameter).
desc the destination array descriptor (from Fortran call stack; out parameter).
hidden the destination hidden descriptor (from Fortran call stack; out parameter).
0 if successful (nonzero on error).

int createArrayDescAndHidden_F90Vendor void *  src,
int  rank,
F90_DescType  desc_type,
void **  desc,
void **  hidden

Creates an array and hidden descriptor pair from an existing descriptor.

This function may used in calling a Fortran procedure from C (with an array-valued parameter). The source descriptor must have been created by a call to either createArrayDesc_F90Vendor() or setArrayDesc_F90Vendor().

Note, the companion function freeArrayDescWithHidden_F90Vendor() must be called to free the parameters desc and hidden after use (lifetime must not exceed that of the source descriptor).

See also:
src the source descriptor (in parameter).
rank the rank of the source and destination arrays (in parameter).
desc_type type of the source and destination descriptors (in parameter).
desc on return, contains address of created array descriptor (to be passed to Fortran; out parameter).
hidden on return, contains address of hidden form of the array descriptor (to be passed to Fortran; out parameter).
0 if successful (nonzero on error).

int freeArrayDescAndHidden_F90Vendor F90_DescType  desc_type,
void *  desc,
void *  hidden

Frees an array and hidden descriptor pair created by a call to createArrayDescAndHidden_F90Vendor().

desc_type type of the descriptor (in parameter).
desc address of descriptor to be freed (inout parameter).
hidden address of hidden form of the descriptor to be freed (inout parameter).
0 if successful (nonzero on error).

Generated on Mon Sep 29 17:57:07 2003 for Chasm by doxygen 1.3.4